Arts Northwest is seeking nominations for our Board of Directors
Are you interested in serving on the Arts Northwest board of directors? We want to hear from you!
If you are interested in joining the Board of Arts Northwest or would like to nominate someone, we invite you to submit an application ASAP! While we seek Board members predominantly from our founding three states of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, we also welcome interest outside the tristate region. We are committed to diversity in terms of race, gender identification, and sexual orientation, representing rural, mid-size, or large communities, plus balance between artists, agents, and presenters. Those interested in being on the Board or nominating someone can now do so at any time. The nomination committee will conduct brief interviews; submit the slate to the board, then to the general membership during the Membership meeting at the annual conference for ratification.
Show your commitment to the value of the Arts Northwest and help to shape its future!
Please CLICK HERE for the "ANW Prospective Board Member Information and nomination sheet"